Our support for museums
Hans Leonhard Schäufelein / Noli me tangere / Wood/paper engraving, c. 1504, 18 cm x 18.3 cm
The Bakery / Electrified diorama / Mixed media
Mixed media. H. 29.5cm W. 70cm. D. 28.5cm /
Late 20th century / Denyse Denisselle.
The restorer at work at the Centre Antoine Vivenel
■ In 2023
In 2023, thanks to Friends' memberships and donations, two plaster busts stored in the Antoine Vivenel museum's reserves were restored: Hygie and Alexandre casqué.
Bust of Alexander in helmet, plaster, 19th century.
Before and after restoration.
Previous actions
■ In 2022
In 2022, the Friends acquired and donated to the Musée Antoine Vivenel two paintings by Paul Louis Morizet, "Vue de Pierrefonds" and "Vue des bords de l'Oise".
Paul Louis Morizet, View of Pierrefonds, oil on canvas
The Friends continued their mission to enhance the collections of the Musée Antoine Vivenel by financing the restoration of a box and a casket presented during the "Ivoire, ivoires" exhibition, which took place at the Centre Antoine Vivenel from May 14 to September 18, 2022.
Box, China, wood, ivory.
Box, India, wood, ivory, scales, ferrous metal, silver, velvet.
■ In 2021
The Friends have entirely financed the restoration of an anonymous painting, a Portrait of a Man.
This oil on canvas benefited from a major intervention by two restorers working together, one on the support (canvas, stretcher), the other on the pictorial layer (varnish, overpainting, missing parts, retouching).
Our association also decided to finance the restoration of the painting's gilded frame, enabling it to be taken out of storage and integrated into the permanent exhibition at the Musée Antoine Vivenel.
The Friends are pursuing their mission to enhance museum collections by financing the entire restoration of the plaster bust of Albert Robida created by his son, Frédéric Robida.
This work was presented at the Centre Antoine Vivenel, from May 15 to September 19, 2021, during the temporary exhibition "Albert Robida, l'explorateur du temps".
The bust has been dusted and its surface cleaned. The pencil on the right hand has been consolidated and gaps filled. A few chips in the paint layer were retouched to harmonize the overall effect. The bust has joined the permanent collections of the Musée Antoine Vivenel.
■ In 2020
The Friends entirely financed the acquisition of a painting by Paul Louis Morizet, Perspective des rives de l'Oise, painted in 1906.
This landscape painter and wood engraver was born in Paris in the 19th century. He took part in the Salon des Artistes Français de Paris, winning an honorable mention in 1884.
This view was taken from the second-to-last house on the Quai de l'écluse in Compiègne (today number 350). The Musée Antoine Vivenel holds another painting by this French artist, Vue de Compiègne depuis les hauteurs de Margny.
Following the restoration in 2019 of the majolica pieces conserved at the Musée Antoine Vivenel, by a heritage restorer specializing in ceramics, the museum curator wished to highlight one of the Musée Antoine Vivenel's most emblematic collections.
On this occasion, the Friends financed the plinthing of the majolica pieces, enabling them to be showcased using appropriate supports. This collection, on display on the second floor of the Musée Antoine Vivenel, has now been given a new, more modern and easier-to-read presentation.
■ In 2019
The Peking Opera returns to the Museum of Historic Figurines.
This diorama depicts a scene from Peking's Chinese opera during the Qing dynasty (1644-1911).
This ensemble was created using raw clay, a fragile material that made restoration and cleaning of the figurines a complex task.
The restoration was made possible thanks to the support of the Association des Amis des Musées Antoine Vivenel et de la Figurine historique.
In addition to publishing two issues of Amusée-vous, the Compiègne museum newsletter, we helped the Musée Antoine Vivenel acquire a work by Albert Robida: "Les Assiégés de Compiègne, 1430".
An in-folio copy including all original drawings.
Published by H. Laurens, collection "Plume et crayon" (1905), in-folio in slipcase, vellum watercolored by the author, original drawings, 132 pages.
This is a unique item.
■ In 2018
Thanks to the patronage of the Association des Amis des Musées Antoine Vivenel and the Figurine Historique, this elephant ivory fly swatter has undergone a complete restoration.
This flycatcher features a delicately carved cylindrical handle into which more than two hundred ivory strips are inserted. The handle is adorned with twists and turns and stylized floral motifs. The slats are smooth, around 5 mm wide and 1 mm thick at the handle, becoming paper-thin at the end.
This princely Indian ivory object can easily be traced back to 18th-century Mughal production by virtue of its characteristic ornamental repertoire, alternating poppy and cypress flowers.
Purchased by the Friends in 2018.
Acquisition for the Musée Antoine Vivenel of drawings by Charles Roussel, a student in the years 1840-1845 of the Musée des Études founded by Antoine Vivenel.
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fact sheet
■ In 2017
Action by the Friends in 2017.
As part of the opening of the Musée Antoine Vivenel's new extra-Asian arts room, the Friends financed the modeling of a Japanese samurai statue.
Friends' participation in 2017.
Thanks to the sponsorship of the Association des Amis des Musées Antoine Vivenel and the Figurine historique, a 17th-century Italian painting of Saint François d'Assise has benefited from complete restoration and a new frame.
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the fact sheet
■ In 2015
Purchase by the Friends in 2015.
Acquisition of a figurine by Jean-Baptiste Clémence: Chasseur, Louis XVI period, fruitwood, oil paint.
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the fact sheet
■ In 2013
Purchased by the Friends in 2013.
Acquisition of a diorama entitled: Belle Epoque beach scene.
This diorama, included in a red flap box, depicts a Belle Epoque beach scene.
Would you like to make a donation to one of our museums?
just contact the association:
- by telephone
- by e-mail, by clicking on the link "Contact the association"link on the panel below
- by post, to the following address:
Association of Friends of the Museums
Antoine Vivenel et de la Figurine Historique
2 bis, rue d'Austerlitz
60200 Compiègne
Updated January 22, 2025
Association des Amis des Musées
Antoine Vivenel & Figurine Historique
aMAVFH 2010-2025