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Cultural outings organized by the association
Outputs 2021
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
A day in Amiens
The Musée de Picardie and Notre-Dame Cathedral
Due to the health crisis, this day could not be offered in 2020 to mark the cathedral's 800th anniversary. We therefore invite you to celebrate its 801 years!
visit to the newly renovated and enlarged Musée de Picardie. Built under Napoleon III, the building was specifically designed as a fine arts museum. It was a pioneer in this field. Here, we'll see the famous Puys d'Amiens, large paintings intended to adorn the cathedral, as well as the cathedral's lapidary repository and a selection of key works such as the Chasses exotiques, commissioned by Louis XV, and the Radeau de la Méduse.
visit to Notre-Dame Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As a complement to our visit to the museum, we'll discover the sculpted works donated by the Confrérie Notre-Dame du Puy. We'll also look at the 19th-century restoration work carried out by Viollet-le-Duc to safeguard the "ideal" cathedral.
friday, June 11, 2021
visit to the exhibition
"Albert Robida, the explorer of time"
Before summer arrives, and after months of waiting, we are delighted to offer you a private tour of the exhibition "Albert Robida, l'explorateur du temps".
A native of Compiègne, Albert Robida left us a rich and varied body of work. A prolific illustrator, author, caricaturist and painter, his multiple talents and gigantic body of work bear witness to an inquisitive, open-minded and passionate spirit, with an evocative motto: "Open your eyes to the beauty of things".
Presented by Delphine Jeannot, Director of the Museums of Compiègne, this free tour is organized especially for Friends, in compliance with the rules in force at the time of the visit. The number of visitors is limited to 12, and masks must be worn.
Updated January 22, 2025
Association des Amis des Musées
Antoine Vivenel & Figurine Historique
aMAVFH 2010-2025